Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beware of the second coming of System 7


Jewish date:  2 Ṭeveth 5771 (Parashath Vayyiggash).

Today’s quasi-holiday:  International Anti-Corruption Day.

Today’s news and commentary:
SE Macintosh SE Macintosh SE FDHD Macintosh SE/30Image of a Macintosh SE via Wikipedia
Today’s weird thing is this simulation of a Macintosh SE running System 7.0.  I have no idea why anyone did this, but it may be fun for the nostalgic, especially since the simulation includes some games and a screen saver.  Enjoy, share the weirdness, and happy Ḥanukkah.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Can flash drives explode?


Jewish date:  26 Kislew 5771 (Parashath MiqQeṣ).

Today’s quasi-holiday:  International Day of Persons with Disabilities (UN).

Today’s news and commentary:
Today’s weird thing is the USB Grenade Flash Drive.  This is something you absolutely should not take through Israeli security.  You should have no trouble taking it through American security, as the TSA is reportedly more interesting in finding out what you look like naked rather than if you are carrying anything dangerous.  Enjoy, share the weirdness, happy Ḥanukkah, and Shabbath shalom.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

The mother (or monster) of all weird crossovers


Jewish date:  19 Kislew 5771 (Parashath Wayyeshev).

Today’s quasi-holidays:  Black Friday (USA), Buy Nothing Day.

Note:  Currently I am working with an unreliable Internet connection, so I plan on keeping my posts short for the moment to increase the chances that they actually get through.
    Today’s weird thing is something bizarre working its way virally across the Internet, what may be the mother (or monster) of all weird crossovers, “Cookie Monster Auditions for Saturday Night Live”:

    Considering the normally low quality of Saturday Night Live, even if Cookie Monster is not at his best, it would obviously be their best show ever.  Since Cookie Monster was clearly trying to limit himself to a short time in making this video, there is an obvious skit which was left out:  a Saturday Night Live parody of Sesame Street, which might well involve humans dressing up as Muppet characters and discussion of some aspect of life on Sesame Street not normally discussed.  The alternative might be a Muppet-only version of Saturday Night Live, which might well have Muppets pretending to be humans parodying something else.

    Oh, if you are on Facebook, please join the (as of this typing) 87,941 other people who like it to encourage NBC to make a Cookie Monster-hosted episode of Saturday Night Live a reality.

    Enjoy, share the weirdness, and Shabbath shalom.


    PS:  This post was brought to you by the letters L, E, and the number 5.

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    Where do superheroes buy their magic spandex costumes?


    Jewish date:  18 Kislew 5771 (evening) (Parashath Wayyeshev).

    Today’s quasi-holidays:  National Opt-Out Day, Use Even If Seal Is Broken Day, Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day.

    I am alive and well, currently in Ra‘ananah, Israel.  I have been here for a week and am living under a name which transliterates as ’Aharon Shelomoh ’Edhelman.  And I have been very busy and very tired.  Making ‘aliyyah (moving to Israel) is a frightfully complicated processes.  Much of what I have done is doing things which need to get done as soon as possible:  getting an identity document, signing up with a health organization, getting a bank account, and telling the Ministry of Absorption so they deposit money in said account for the next few months.  There has also been a lot of looking for and buying various things necessary that were not taken in my suitcases, such as hangers, food, and kitchen utensils.  (Yet I still do not have a hotplate.  Or a cell phone.)  I have also started studying in ’ulpan (Hebrew classes); I tested as fairly advanced and have been bored by the grammar review and find exercises requiring impromptu acting much more interesting.

    The outside of The Brooklyn Superhero Supply C...Image via Wikipedia
    Given how tired I am, I will proceed straight to today’s tonight's weird thing, courtesy of Barry:  The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company, which bills itself as “Online purveyors of high quality crimefighting merchandise”.  Enjoy, share the weirdness, and, please, someone send me something that lets me fly.

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    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Sherlock Holmes is crazy


    Jewish date:  2 Kislew 5771 (Parashath Wayyeṣe’).

    Today’s quasi-holidays:  World Freedom Day, National Young Readers Day.

    Yes, I am not posting much these days.  My plans to move to Israel have advanced considerably.  I will be making the move on November 15-16, and getting everything ready takes a lot of time and effort.  Expect posts to be few and far between for a while.
      Sherlock Holmes (r) and Dr. John B. Watson. Fr...Image via Wikipedia
      Today’s weird thing is Sherlock.  This is a reimagining of Sherlock Holmes and company set in 2010.  What is truly unusual about it is that while every other reimagining or other work which tries to change the setting of a story which your humble blogger is aware of misunderstands the characters or story and screws it up, this one makes extraordinary efforts to do it right—and it pays off.  The new Sherlock really does act and think like the original, only doing it in a modern setting.  E.g., he examines John Watson’s cell phone and deduces from it a lot about John.  There are also attempts at exploring aspects of Sherlock and John which are often ignored.  Sherlock, it is noted—in language more sophisticated than I am about to use—is crazy.  John, who in this version served in the military in Afghanistan rather than India, suffers psychologically from his war experiences; this also feeds into why he teams up with Sherlock.  I could go on, but there are other things I need to do.  But before I post, due note that you can watch all three episodes (“A Study in Pink”, “The Blind Banker”, and “The Great Game”) on-line through December 7.  I understand that further episodes are planned.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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      Sunday, October 31, 2010

      Beware of car-eating rabbits


      Jewish date:  23 Marḥeshwan 5771 (Parashath Toledhoth).

      Today’s quasi-holiday:  Halloween.

      I would like to apologize for having not posted anything for about three weeks.  This is has been due to two factors:  1) I have had a respiratory infection, which is not conducive to getting much of anything done.  2) I have been working on a review of Robert Graves’s The White Goddess, which is a decidedly nontrivial book.  Having reached a stage where the review is more or less presentable, I present it without further adieu on Divine Misconceptions and resume posting here, too.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Denver International AirportImage which Zemanta thought was relevant via Wikipedia
      Today’s weird thing is “Car-Eating Rabbits Invade Denver Airport”.  I cannot make up something like this.  Really.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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      Monday, October 11, 2010

      Beware of The Gong Show


      Jewish date:  3 Marḥeshwan 5771 (Parashath Lekh-Lekha).

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  Columbus Day (USA), Thanksgiving (Canada), Native American Day, Indigenous Peoples Day.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Today’s weird thing is the Country Western Song Generator, which spouts out lyrics like:

      I met her on probation all hunched over;
      I can still recall that little hat she wore; 
      She was chewin' on a hangnail in the twilight,
           and I knew I'd have to scrape her off the floor;
      Her rabbi said I'd hate her dog forever;
      She said to me she loved my one blue eye;
      But who'd have thought she'd run off on 'The Gong Show';
      I now can kiss my credit cards goodbye.

      This utility should be useful for song writers who completely lack creativity.  Or perhaps for musicians looking to see if anyone is paying any attention to lyrics.  Enjoy (or feel horribly depressed or something) and share the weirdness.

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      Tuesday, October 5, 2010

      Beware of horrific iPad hacks


      Jewish date:  27 Tishri 5771 (Parashath Noaḥ).

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  Long Walk Day, World Teachers’ Day.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Today’s weird thing is “iPad runs Windows 95, universe stays intact”, a bizarre hacking stunt.  Included is this horrifying video:

      Enjoy (or be afraid) and share the weirdness.

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      Monday, October 4, 2010

      Beware of Asteroid spaceships


      Jewish date:  26 Tishri 5771 (Parashath Noaḥ).

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  Ten-Four Day, National Golf Day, World Animal Day.

      Worthy cause of the day:  “Stop 'Corn Sugar' Now!”.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Asteroids icoImage via Wikipedia
      Today’s weird thing is “Hello, want to kill some time?”, which lets you install a JavaScript bookmarket in your browser which lets you shoot items in the current Web-page with an Asteroids-style spaceship..  Enjoy, share the weirdness, and please don’t shoot my blog.

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      Monday, September 27, 2010

      Beware of bread


      Jewish date:  19 Tishri 5771 (Parashath Bere’shith).

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  Ancestor Appreciation Day, Banned Book Week, World Tourism Day.

      Worthy cause of the day:  “Stand Up for Veterans - They Stood Up for Us - The Petition Site”.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Oats, barley, and some food products made from...Image featuring the insidious substance via Wikipedia
      Today’s weird thing is “Bread Kills!”, which is a very silly illustration of bad epidemiological reasoning, specifically that fallacies of equating correlation with causation and the assumption that preceding alone is a proof of causation.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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      Sunday, September 26, 2010

      Beware of Starfleet kitchen utensils

      Graph of the ratings of Star Trek Enterprise o...Image marginally relevant to today’s weird thing via Wikipedia

      Jewish date:  18 Tishri 5771 (Parashath Bere’shith).

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  Banned Book Week, European Day of Languages, National Pancake DayGold Star Mother’s Day.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Today’s weird thing is the Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter, which is described in this short video:

      (There is also a Star Trek Enterprise Bottle Opener, but the pizza cutter is cooler and more useful in a fight against Klingons.)  Enjoy, share the weirdness, and live long and prosper.

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      Tuesday, September 21, 2010

      Beware of ballistic marshmallows


      Jewish date:  13 Tishri 5771.

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  World Gratitude Day, International Banana Festival, Elephant Appreciation Day, Miniature Golf Day, International Day of Peace, Independence Day (Armenia).

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Today’s weird thing is the Marshmallow Mforcer Semi-Automatic Pistol, a weapon which fires marshmallows.  This should be useful when fighting foes made out of tissue paper.

      Stay Puft Marshmallow ManImage of hint via Wikipedia
      Special bonus weird thing:  Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows.  Apparently life sometimes imitates corny movies.  (Hint:  Ghostbusters reference.)

      Enjoy, share the weirdness, and DUCK!

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      Sunday, September 19, 2010

      Beware of period picnic tables

      Front side of a 200GB Blu-ray DiscImage of the cracked media via Wikipedia

      Jewish date:  11 Tishri 5771.

      Today’s quasi-holiday:  International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

      Worthy causes of the day:  “Don't Build the Belo Monte Dam! - The Petition Site” and “Protect the Paradise Forests and the Orangutan - The Petition Site”.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      Today’s weird thing is “Periodic table”, which describes a picnic table in the shape of a period table.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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      Friday, September 17, 2010

      Beware of the Flying Alarm Clock


      Jewish date:  9 Tishri 5771.

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  Constitution Day.

      Today’s news and commentary:
      An old style alarm clock.Image of the wrong sort of alarm clock, which is likely to be sent flying through the air, via Wikipedia
      Today’s weird thing is the Flying Alarm Clock, which is a novel approach to getting its owner up by forcing the person being woken up to do a nontrivial task in order make it stop making a racket.  See this somewhat lame video which demonstrates it:

      Enjoy (or loathe this thing; your choice) and share the weirdness.

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      Thursday, September 16, 2010

      Beware of Firefox


      Jewish date:  8 Tishri 5771.

      Today’s quasi-holidays:  Collect Rocks Day, National Play-doh Day, Wife Appreciation Day, International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, Mayflower Day, Women’s Friendship Day.

      Worthy cause of the day:  “Got Science?”.
        Today’s weird thing is “Firefox rejects your”:
        funny pictures of cats with captions
        I hope your browser does not act like this in real life.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.


        Wednesday, September 15, 2010

        Beware of Sam-I-Am


        Jewish date:  7 Tishri 5771.

        Today’s quasi-holidays:  Felt Hat Day, Independence Day (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua).

        Worthy causes of the day:  “ » Stand with Patrick Leahy”, “Save Darfur Coalition:  Give just 60 seconds for Sudan”, and “Tell Congress: Don't extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy”.

        Today’s news and commentary:
        Today’s weird thing, inspired from discussing the ownership of a number of Dr. Seuss books yesterday, is “Green Eggs and Ham Sam i am Jesse Jackson”.  (I apologize for not including the video directly on this blog, but embedding was disabled.)  As a special bonus, there is also a recipe for Green Eggs and Ham Recipe, in which the green color is due to scallions and spinach.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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        Wednesday, September 8, 2010

        Beware of asteroids

        Mission: STS-41-B Film Type: 70mm Title: Views...Image of something sort of jetpack-like via Wikipedia

        Jewish date:  29 ’Elul 5770 (Parashath Ha’azinu).

        Today’s quasi-holidays:  International Literacy Day, World Rabies Day.

        Worthy cause of the day:  “Protect us from toxic coal ash”.

        Today’s news and commentary:
        Today’s weird thing is “Asteroid Discovery From 1980 − 2010”:

        This should give some idea how much in the way of rocks there are flying around the inner Solar system.  If you feel worried about the prospects of collision, do note that the size of objects are not shown to scale.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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        Tuesday, September 7, 2010

        Beware of secret agents¡


        Jewish date:  28 ’Elul 5770 (Parashath Ha’azinu).

        Today’s quasi-holidays:  “Neither Snow Nor Rain” Day, National Thylacine Day, International Dadaism Month.
          Today’s weird thing is “Eagle”:

          Enjoy, share the weirdness, and please, don’t do this.


          Sunday, September 5, 2010

          May the Force be with Chew


          Jewish date:  26 ’Elul 5770 (Parashath Ha’azinu).

          Today’s quasi-holiday:  Be Late For Something Day.

          Today’s (two-week backlog of) news and commentary:
          Original Winnie the Pooh stuffed toys. Clockwi...Image via Wikipedia of the original stuffed animals which inspired one of the things which inspired Wookiee the Chew
          Today’s weird thing (if Klingon Shakespeare was not enough for you) is “Chewbacca Illustrated as Winnie-the-Pooh”, describing the book Wookiee The Chew - The House at Chew Corner, with further illustrations at James Hance - Relentlessly Cheerful Art.  No description your humble blogger can give will truly do justice to this, so just click on the links and see this for yourself.  Enjoy, share the weirdness, and may the Force be with you.  Oh, and someone send me a copy of the book, please.

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          Friday, September 3, 2010

          Beware of alien cat


          Jewish date:  24 ’Elul 5770 (Parashath Niṣṣavim-Wayyelekh).

          Today’s quasi-holiday:  Skyscraper Day.
            Today’s weird thing (after a break due to me visiting Israel) is “alien cat”:

            Enjoy and share the weirdness.


            Monday, August 16, 2010

            Beware of bizarre coffins

            Watermelon in a small-scale organic farm in Ta...Image suggested by Zemanta for no apparent reason via Wikipedia

            Jewish date:  6 ’Elul 5770 (Parashath Ki-Theṣe’).

            Today’s quasi-holidays:  Watermelon Day, Bratwurst Festival, International Dadaism Month.

            Worthy causes of the day:  “Take Action: Tell President Obama: Make Our Food Safe NOW!”, “GOP: Stop Punishing the Unemployed - The Petition Site”, and “Save the Internet: Take Action!:  Dear Chairman Genachowski: Don't Let Google Be Evil”.

            Today’s news and commentary:
            Today’s weird thing is “Screw It, You're Dead Anyway”, which deals with unusual ideas for how to dispose of dead bodies.  The title refers specifically to a space-saving coffin which is screwed into the ground.  Enjoy (or be shocked or something) and share the weirdness.

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            Thursday, August 12, 2010

            Beware of overstuffed sentences


            Jewish date:  2 ’Elul 5770 (Parashath Shofeṭim).

            Today’s quasi-holidays:  Vinyl Record Day, International Youth Day.

            Worthy cause of the day:  “  FCC: Say NO to Google and Verizon / Demand the FCC do its job and protect the open Internet”.

            Today’s news and commentary:
            Today’s weird thing, suggested by Barry, is “Do You Suffer From One of These Writing Viruses?”, which should give people an idea of ways not to write.  And if you do not like it, see “Jaws Theme Goes Here” and check under “How sharks DON’T attack”.

            Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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            Tuesday, August 10, 2010

            All tautologies are tautologies


            Jewish date:  30 ’Av 5770 (Parashath Shofeṭim).

            Today’s quasi-holiday:  National Duran Duran Appreciation Day.  (Don’t ask me.  I don’t come up with (most of) these quasi-holidays.  I just report them.)

            Worthy causes of the day:  “Tell the Obama administration we need more protection from for-profit education rip-offs!”, “Tell the FCC: It's up to you, not Google and Verizon, to regulate the Internet”, and “ Political Action: Stop Social Security Cuts”.

            Today’s news and commentary:
            Today’s weird thing is “tautology cat iz tautological”:
            tautology cat  iz tautological
            Not quite tautological, but close to it.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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            Sunday, August 8, 2010

            Ahmadinejad proves he needs to take a remedial geography class


            Jewish date:  28 ’Av 5770 (Parashath Shofeṭim).

            Worthy causes of the day:  “Ban New Offshore Drilling - Take Action Today @ The Rainforest Site”, “  Tell Google: "Don't be evil" / And to stop dealing away the Internet”, “ Political Action: Google: Don't Be Evil”, and “Alliance for Justice:  Congress: Repair the Damage Caused by the Corporate Court”.

            Today’s news and commentary:
            Today’s weird thing is “'England Is A Small Island West Of Africa,' Says Ahmadinejad”, courtesy of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s most infamous lunatic, who is apparently too busy being insane to check a map.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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            Thursday, August 5, 2010

            “Modded Nintendo Lets You Play Mario With Your Eyes (video)”

            Mario in Super Mario Bros., one of the first g...Image the relevant game via Wikipedia

            Jewish date:  25 Tammuz 5770 (Parashath Re’eh).

            Today’s quasi-holiday:  National Mustard Day.

            Worthy cause of the day:  “Tell Sarah Palin to Go Back to Alaska - The Petition Site”.
              Today’s weird thing, the title of which pretty much speaks for itself, is “Modded Nintendo Lets You Play Mario With Your Eyes (video)”.  Behold the referenced video:

              Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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              Wednesday, August 4, 2010

              Beware of ninjas fighting in public


              Jewish date:  24 ’Av 5770 (Parashath Re’eh).

              Today’s quasi-holidays:  Coast Guard Day, Emancipation Day/August Festival (British Virgin Islands).

              Worthy cause of the day:  “Tell Mott's: get the scabs out of your applesauce!”.

              Today’s news and commentary:
              Apple store interiorThere may be a ninja in this image from Wikipedia, but you would never know it
              Today’s weird thing is “34 Things I Learned From Video Games”.  This list gives valuable information for anyone trying to survive on the mean streets such as:
              • “You never run out of ammunition, just grenades.”
              • “Ninjas are common, and fight in public frequently.”
              • “Repulsive, ugly, cannabalistic, evil beings have just as much right to be loved as heroic fighters.”
              Enjoy, share the weirdness, and beware of ninjas.

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              Tuesday, August 3, 2010

              Beware of puzzle-shaped food


              Jewish date:  23 ’Av 5770 (Parashath Re’eh).

              Today’s quasi-holidays:  Emancipation Day/August Festival (British Virgin Islands), National Watermelon Day, National Night Out.

              Worthy cause of the day:  “Save BioGems: Take Action: Stop Shell Oil:  Send a message urging President Obama to impose a 7-year moratorium on Shell's offshore drilling in the Arctic that will give scientists enough time to best determine how to protect the polar bear's home.”

              Today’s news and commentary:
              A Rubik cube, it is based on this one but the ...Image of the inedible variety via Wikipedia
              Today’s weird thing is the Rubik’s Cubewich, a meat and cheese sandwich in the shape of a Rubik’s Cube.  I do not know what possessed anyone to create this, though I myself did once dream of a Rubik’s Cube-shaped kugel.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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              Monday, August 2, 2010

              Beware of drugs that give you visions of ancient video games

              A Lego CityImage via Wikipedia

              Jewish date:  22 ’Av 5770 (Parashath Re’eh).

              Today’s quasi-holidays:  Emancipation Day/August Festival (British Virgin Islands), Emancipation Day/August Monday (Anguilla, the Bahamas), International Dadaism Month, Anniversary of Official Signing of the Declaration of Independence (USA).

              Worthy causes of the day:  “Ask Your Reps to Support the National Alzheimer's Project Act - The Petition Site”, “Support Clean Energy Jobs - Take Action Today @ The Rainforest Site”, and “Tell the FDA to Come Clean About Gulf Seafood - The Petition Site”.  Also along the lines of something worthy to do:  Save the oak trees.

              Today’s news and commentary:
              Today’s weird thing is “8-Bit Trip: 1500 Hours of Lego Stop-Motion in Four Awesome Minutes”.

              Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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              Wednesday, July 28, 2010

              Beware of alternate histories of Fox News


              Jewish date:  17 ’Av 5770 (Parashath ‘Eqev).

              Today’s quasi-holidays:  Singing Telegram Day, National Drive-Thru Day.

              Worthy cause of the day:  “CARE : Defending Dignity - Fighting Poverty :  Let Congress know you want the Haiti assistance bill passed”, “Working Families » Take Action!:  Sign our letter to NY's State Senators”, and “We want the DISCLOSE Act”.

              Today’s news and commentary:
              Fox News ChannelLogo of the guys being made fun of via Wikipedia
              Today’s weird thing, submitted by Nancy and Barry, is “If Fox News had existed throughout history…”.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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